Monday, March 26, 2007

New for 2007

At the start of this year I had no idea what I'd be doing this year. Functions always dry up after christmas and I didn't have a lot of Pendragon gigs in.

I ended up teaching quite a lot at ACM. I really enjoy the opportunity to pass on what I can to enthusiastic drummers. I've also enjoyed creating the online drumming lessons. More of those to come as soon as I have time.

The bigger news is that I've joined Wishbone Ash. I spent the last 2 weeks just outside Helsinki in Finland recording a new album with them. I didn't actually meet the singer and guitarist until they picked me up at the airport. Two days later we had our first gig in Moscow (a 13 hour train journey from Finland!). It was the second time I'd played the songs but it went very well.

The guys are all great musicians and we got on very well. I'm excited to see how the album develops - I was pleased with the drum parts I came up with for the songs.

I knew it was going to be a good week when the snare drum on the kit in the drum room was a Yamaha Vinnie signature model. It was like finding the Holy Grail. I'd only ever seen it on posters in drum shops and have been looking for one for years.

We have a month long tour coming up in April/May. Check out the dates here - - and come and say Hi if you make it down.



I haven't had chance lately to add any new lesson videos. I invested in a Mac about a month ago and it's brilliant, but I now have to learn to use different editing software. Anyway, I'm hoping to have something new up before I head off on tour.

In the meantime I'm adding a few posts about things that have inspired me on my 27 year journey. Of all the books I've read "Yes Man" by Danny Wallace has probably had the most impact. After reading of the adventures he had that followed him simply saying Yes more I decided to give it a go. I ended up joining new bands, meeting new people and travelling to new places all as a result of saying Yes more.

I've kind of given away the plot but I highly recommend the book anyway. It made me laugh out loud many times and was a truly inspirational true story. Get it HERE