Friday, July 18, 2008

MasterClasses are go!

I'm really excited to be able to present you with six 'hour long' instructional videos! I've worked really hard on them and hope they help to inspire you and help you develop your playing.

You can register for free at

Once you've set up your account you'll be able to log in and see
upcoming lesson slots and downloadable lessons.

* The downloads are different to the free videos on the lessons page -
they're much more detailed and last around an hour each.

* The lesson slots are basically times I'm available for private
lessons via skype. They're one-on-one so it works on a first come
first served basis. The lesson is just like a regular drum lesson but
conducted over the internet. You'll need a mic and headphones, a
decent internet connection and skype (download for free at
The private lessons are the chance for you to ask all the questions
you want - I'll do my best to cover whatever topics interest you.
You'll get the download for free after the lesson has finished.

When you're logged into your account you can select times that you'd
be available to take a lesson. When I add new lessons you'll receive
an email if any of the slots coincide with times you're available.

Some of the downloads will be free, others will have a small charge.
Sign up now to see what's available. There'll be more on the way
